A few things I learnt whilst travelling for 365 days


So I got back from my travels in June last year so I thought it was about time that I recorded a few of the things I learnt along the way.

The Worst days are actually the best
Ok I know this doesn't make much sense, but trust me staying in a roach infested prison like cell in Thailand was not fun at the time but oh how I laugh about it now and so does everyone else when I tell them the story. You will get yourself into some weird and scary situations whilst travelling and you may not be able to laugh at the time but these are the times that everyone back home will want to know all about! So stay strong it may be bad today but tomorrow you will laugh...I promise!

Packing - Less is more
So I set off with a very large heavy back pack, I couldn't carry it without leaning so far forward I was basically a walking table! Trust me you do not need all those clothes, make up and shoes! Your most priced processions will soon become stuff like a torch and mosquito spray, by the end of the trip I was down to very minimal clothes that I could wear over and over and basic makeup that I didn't even wear most of the time because you kind of realise no one actually cares what you look like! But seriously shoes take up so much room and are so heavy, ditch them!!! Obviously this depends on where you are going and what season it is but try and keep them to a minimum!

You are stronger than you think
I never thought I'd be that girl who wouldn't take a shower for nearly a week, wear the same outfit 4 days in a row with no make up, have to use a toilet that's a hole in the floor and sleep in the back of a car in the middle of winter! But hey I did it and I totally embraced the lifestyle of just not caring about those things. Living without a shower, bed, a roof over your head and 'proper' toilet really makes you appreciate all those things but it also makes you see how you cope without all those things and I know you're probably thinking hell no would I not do that, but you would and it would make you feel so much stronger afterwards!

Ok so I could  go on  and on because I learnt a lot about myself and just in general whilst travelling around Thailand, Singapore, Australia, New Zealand and the U.S.A last year so let me know if these are the kind of travel posts you're interested in? Also where have you been lately that you loved?

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  1. How lucky! I would love to travel all over the globe, my dream trip is Thailand :)


    1. I would highly recommend Thailand it's a beautiful place and soooo cheap!

  2. I love this! Travelling is such an amazing experience! I have the travel bug at the moment.

    www.bellaraeblabber.com xx

    1. Glad you liked it! Definitely going to do some more travel posts :)

  3. Hi there! I've nominated you for the Liebster Award - check it out here: http://cuddlepill.com/liebster-award/

    1. Aw thank you I've already been nominated but I think some of the questions are the same and I'll share your link anyways so no worries :)



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