12 Things I've learnt about being 25
My best friend turned the big 2-5 yesterday and it got me thinking how much of a leap we make in the years from 18 - 25, how much we grow, learn and change in this age gap. When I was 18 I was living with my parents in a small village, studying Performing arts at college, was dating a silly boy and getting ridiculously drunk every week at my favourite Rock night in town OH YES I was cool.... I'd like to think my life has changed a lot since then so I thought I would share with you a few things I've learnt along the way.
1. You got a Friend in me
So this has been a hard lesson that I have had to learn, Friendship is a two way street. I firmly believe in those friends that you don't see for a year and then you see each other and it's like no time has passed. However with most friends you have to make an effort, whilst travelling I was bad at keeping in contact with people and I really regret this and try to live by this saying 'to have a friend you have to be a friend'.
2. Finding Happiness anywhere
By now you've probably learnt to get that job that doesn't feel like a job is going to be an up hill struggle but you will get there eventually! For now if you hate your job make sure you choose people who make you happy and do creative and interesting things on the weekend.
Fear of missing out seems to have become a real issue over the past few years with the rise of social media. If you suffer from this, first off remember everyone has bad and boring days but do you choose to share them on social media? Probably not, so those people you're jealous of probably don't either. Secondly be happy for other peoples successes, most likely they have worked really hard for their opportunities so throw away the jealousy and show the love! Next the most simple thing to do is just switch off from your devices for a while and get back to reality and stop focusing on what everyone else is doing and just enjoy what you're up to.
4. Love and Marriage
Ok so this year I've already been to a friends wedding, another's engagement and there's another wedding lined up in August, embrace this first wave of marriages. Ok I'll admit it...weddings are really fun! It's a chance to dress fabulously, eat lots of food, get merry, see two of your friends in the most heart warming spectacle ever, have a boogie and be in room full of all your friends for the whole day! 25 means something different to everyone, should you be getting married? only if you want to, just remember this isn't a day to feel bad about yourself its a day to celebrate your friends love and you're going to have an awesome time!
5. Have Courage and be kind
Ok so that's a quote from Cinderella but it's a good one to live by. So now you're 25 it's fair to say you've probably been through a fair share of Mean Girls type experiences. Hopefully you've learnt from these and have now come to the conclusion that you're going to rise above this silliness, obviously your human and you'll have the occasional bitch but by now you've learnt the value of treat others how you would like to be treated.
6. Inbetweener
So being 25 is kind of a weird place to be because you're in between adolescence and serious adulthood. Embrace this weird 'Not a girl, not yet a woman' time after all you have known success and failure, your wise enough to give advice but also young enough to ignore it, you have known death but still think you will live forever. Enjoy the fact that you're pretty much a walking contradiction after all you're old enough to rent a car and flat but it doesn't stop you shamelessly still needing your mum when you're ill. You're also at a guilt free age where it is totally ok to change what you want out of life whether you want to change your job or where you live, you now have the chance to make these changes without being too tied down yet.
7. You are now a hangover Graduate
By 25 I like to think that I know my limit (with the occasional mistake *cough* every New Year *cough) This is the perfect age where you suddenly learn how much you can handle and how much you need to have a merry old time without being out of action for 2 days! Yes at 25 hangovers are that bad... I have a theory there is some magical change that happens when you turn 21 that means you can no longer cope with hangovers...it's weird.
8. Staying in is fun but so are Happy hours
You are that age where it is perfectly acceptable to love a night in with Netflix and chocolate OH YES. However we all know going out is still fun, my tip? Happy hours are your friend they are cheap and early meaning you can have drinks with friends, save money and still be home by 9:30 for work tomorrow. Fun, social and sorted.
9. Don't be afraid to be your own cheerleader
I've found this especially to be true when it comes to the work environment. If you're a hard worker and always give your all at work don't be afraid to show this attitude. In order to get ahead sometimes you have to put yourself out there and show your passion, no one else is going to be your champion so be your own.
10. Being Beyoncé
By now you've probably learnt that confidence is key, at 25 personally I'm not quite there yet. However I'm learning, after all if you don't have it just fake it...easier said than done but just by putting yourself out there is the first step. By 25 you've realised that confidence is sexy and also helps you feel comfortable in yourself and gooood, if you're there, congratulations! Maybe I'll get there by 30!
11. Money, Money, Money
25 is this weird age where you're old enough to pay rent but still young enough to forget to do so...oops. I'm trying to live by what I learnt from friends "where does 10% of your pay check go?", "in the bank", yeah I'm not the best. It's an age where you're trying to get your finances in order, you get a credit card to build your credit score because you never know you might want to buy a house one day?! However you're still young enough to think that the new Chanel eye shadow palette is a necessity. Embrace this confusing money contradiction, just be thankful you've started thinking about getting your finances in order and enjoy the time when that eye shadow palette is even an option.
12. Lets all go to Neverland!
So lastly don't freak out about turning 25 and aging in general, why bother? There's nothing you can do to change the aging process so just get over it, once you let go of the fear you will feel so free! Plus if there is anything I have learnt from my 80 year old Nan you are only as young as you feel, age is just a number not a state of mind.